"It's hot!" Candice turns to Adam. A couple miles back, their rental car had broken down right in the middle of this hot, scorching desert. "We are both hot, Candice!" Adam states, grumpily, continuing down the long road that leads to nowhere. "I'm so hungry, Candice!" "Adam, I'd totally kill for some hot wings right now, but we're in the middle of nowhere and..." Candice is suddenly interrupted by a deep voice. "Hello, my friends, can I interest you in some laffa bread?" A man stands there with a wagon next to the road, with delicious looking laffa bread hanging all over it. Adam turns to Candice, shock in his eyes. He quietly whispers, "He wasn't there two seconds ago, was he...?" "Who cares," Candice replies, "I'm getting me some laffa bread!" "Here my friends, have some green tahini dip with it, on the house!!" "YAY!" Adam and Candice both exclaim. OK, magical laffa man aside, laffa really is a delicious Middle Eastern bread that goes so well with so many things. A lot of people make amazing wraps out of them, so how could we not give it a shot and try to make it as well. Before we started, we decided that although this recipe made six portions, we should definitely only eat two, we have been on a diet lately! We repeated to ourselves as our mantra, "We would make six, but eat two, we would make six but eat two, we would make six but eat two..." We ended up eating all six... WE REGRET NOTHING! Honestly, everyone, you have to give this recipe a try, they were absolutely awesome. The recipe originally comes from breadmanTalking with some slight changes. It's really, really good, so we hope you all like it! Laffa Bread
Servings 6 Prep Time: 02:30 Cook Time: 00:10 Main Ingredients 3 1/2 Cups of bread flour 7 grams of active yeast 1 1/3 Cups of warm water 1 Tablespoon of sugar 1/2 Tablespoon of salt 2 Tablespoons of olive oil 1 Tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil 1 Tablespoon of za'atar (In Australia, can buy from Woolworths) Preparation
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