Candice coughs, she has pushed herself into a small tunnel and the air is filled with dust. "Adam, can you pass me the torch?" She whispers. Adam passes it to her through the small hole in the wall. "What can you see?" He whispers. Candice shines the light around a small room and a smile lights up on her face. In the center, a small box twinkles in the torch light. Diamonds, sapphires and rubies, the box is covered in jewels of all sorts. "Finally... we've found it!" She crawls towards the box, pulls it close to her chest and slowly backs herself out of the room to the outside area where Adam waits. "We've done it, Adam! The lost treasure of Ai Pacori!" Candice places the box on the floor and they both start madly examining it, trying to work out how to open it. They start turning it at all angles, nothing. They shake it and, again, nothing! Out of frustration, Adam picks up the box and throws it against the wall. Suddenly, the box swings open. Inside... a single sheet of paper. Candice grabs the sheet and starts madly reading the contents... "Garlic... cream... bread..." A loud click echoes in the room. Candice looks over at Adam who has just leaned against the wall. "Ah oh..." Adam mumbles. Candice stares at Adam in horror. "Adam! Oh no.. What have you...RUN!!!!!!!!!!" She screams as a gigantic boulder suddenly drops from the ceiling and starts rolling towards them. They begin running towards the exit, the earth shaking underneath their feet. "Go!" Candice screams. Up ahead, they can see the passage way leading to safety. Suddenly, the walls to freedom start closing in and spikes start coming down from the ceiling. "Booby traps!" Candice yells through the noise of the foundation collapsing. They run with all their might, knowing that it can't end here, not now that they've finally got the precious treasure. Just as they've begun to lose hope, they both throw themselves under the still showing crack in the exit and with a loud crash, the gap is sealed. They've escaped! They breathe in the fresh air of freedom! "Have you got it, Candice! Tell me this wasn't all for nothing!" Adam exclaims. Candice smiles as she pulls the piece of paper out of her pocket, "I got it!" She reads the first line of the paper, "Recipe for cheesy garlic bread!" This recipe comes from Candice's grandma. She was an amazing cook, so you have to give this recipe a try and, let's face it, it's cheesy garlic bread! It's just awesome! Cheesy Garlic Bread
Servings 12 Prep Time: 00:10 Cook Time: 00:20 Main Ingredients 1 loaf of French or Italian Bread 1 head of garlic (minced) ½ cup of olive oil ½ cup of thickened cream 1 cup of aged parmesan cheese 6 tbsp of butter 1 tbsp of parsley Preparation
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